Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Moms with Chronic Pain, I See You and You Rock

To the other moms out there living with hidden chronic pain like I do, I see you and you’re all rock stars.

My Story: I knew that becoming a mom with Rheumatoid Arthritis was going to come with some unique challenges. The doctor’s visits, blood work, daily/weekly pills and bi weekly injections are only the tip of the ice...berg. Today is definitely one of those days when I just wanted to stay in bed and not move. This weather causes me restless sleep, trying to find a comfortable position that will alleviate the pressure on my joints but the pain is still there because my blood causes it. There are days like today when it hurts to get out of bed, to walk and even get dressed. There are days like today when I have to ask my older son to lend an extra hand to get his brother ready. There are days like today when my best friend leans over and says ‘babe, I can help you’ and I look at him with love but determined to put my own damn socks on, even if it takes two minutes. I may look “normal” to you but like many people out there, I deal with chronic pain on a daily basis. Stress, fatigue, bad weather, and working a stationary job can trigger a flare on any given day but I push through. I have RA, it doesn't have me.

The Joanna Dwyer, author of 5 Reasons Why Moms With Chronic Pain Are the Toughest, says it best. “We don’t whine or complain when our bodies are screaming at us and when the pain brings tears to our eyes. Nope. We get right back up and keep going. We do everything normal moms do, but we do it with pain and fatigue in our bodies 24/7...We look OK from the outside, but inside we are crumbling and crying. We show up. We participate. We choose life. We choose to be stronger than our pain.”

In honor of all the other moms out there living with chronic pain like I do, this is for you.

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