Saturday, October 29, 2016

Please Christmas Don't Be Late...Or Too Early

Is it just me, or is Christmas creeping up faster each year?

It used to be that Christmas was always encroaching on Thanksgiving

Now it's invading Halloween's turf.

Last year I went out to get some last minute Halloween decorations a week before the big day, only to be confronted with rows and rows of pre-lit trees and animated blowup lawn figures.

I love Christmas just as much as the next guy. Maybe a bit more than the next guy...


But come on. I'd much rather fully enjoy each holiday; the sights, the smells and the individual ways we celebrate them. I want to walk into my nearest supermarket and smell pumpkin spice in October/November not Yankee Candle's Christmas in Paris (my favorite by the way).

I'm not blameless in the mad rush to holidays. I certainly buy Christmas items when I see them, no matter the month because I know they won't be there come December. But my crazy obsession with Christmas is saved for those close to me. I watch 12 Dates of Christmas and Home Alone in June. I secretly plan our next month-long Christmas celebration on a private Pinterest Board shorty after the tree from that year is taken down and I'm always thinking about how I can update our year round holiday savings plan.

I LOVE Christmas but I want my kids to feel the joy and excitement of each fun holiday and that's getting harder to pull off when the stores are more concerned with pushing products.

 (If you'd like to read more about me visit my post on A Bit About Me)

Friday, October 28, 2016

Is Shopping from Home Worth It?

Dear Wegmans,

As a loyal shopper I was thrilled to hear that you were adding the “Shop from Home” feature to your Woodbridge store but upon closer review I see that it’s not worth it. I love supermarkets that give me the option to shop from home. I don’t have to lug my kids to the store and search for one of those lovely two seater carts you have. I don’t have to cart them up and down the packed aisles while they ask for every delicious item of food or cool toy/book they see. I don’t have to wait in line while the person in front of me searches for their wallet, which they happened to forget in their car. I just have to search and click, then pick up and pay from the convenience of my front seat.

As any good shopper would do, I did a price comparison by uploading all of the items that I purchased in the store to the online shopping feature. Now, I get that this feature is a luxury but the price markup on top of the service fee is a bit much don’t you think. I saved $37 by buying these items in the store instead of using your shop from home feature, I thought the purpose was to save people time and money. I’m always telling people how much I love Wegmans because your prices are the lowest I’ve seen in my area, your store brand items are actually good and the store itself is always a welcoming and beautiful place to be in (especially the cafĂ© and upstairs seating space) but this is one feature where you lost me.

Still a loyal customer Niki

 (If you'd like to read more about me visit my post on A Bit About Me)